Validating rasters
2025-03-28 |
Extracting DEMs from a WCS server
2025-03-27 |
Turning a notebook into production code
2025-01-08 |
Vancouver Island 1m DEMs have some big holes
2024-11-11 |
Mean array scaling in Python
2024-11-04 |
Raster API improvements
2024-09-17 |
Don't trust webhooks
2024-07-15 |
DEM void filling algorithms
2024-06-13 |
Precicely cropping a raster in rasterio
2024-06-05 |
Coastal artefacts in the Mapzen DEM
2024-05-14 |
Cropping and reprojecting a UTM raster to latlon
2024-04-23 |
Unravelling a raster to a pandas dataframe
2024-04-23 |
Managing API keys in django
2024-03-10 |
EUDEM download
2024-01-20 |
Raster API
2023-12-05 |
Which open elevation dataset should I use?
2023-11-28 |
RAID disk monitoring with postfix and mailgun
2023-11-01 |
Upcoming GPXZ dataset update
2023-10-05 |
Migrating from Open Topo Data
2023-07-06 |
Python task queue latency
2023-06-16 |
How to configure ruff
2023-05-31 |
Hong Kong elevation data guide
2023-05-25 |
Iceland 10m DTM quality
2023-04-05 |
GPXZ is a long-term business
2023-03-02 |
Japan elevation data guide
2022-02-03 |
Converting Japan DEM GML/XML files to geotiffs
2021-11-15 |
LERC compression benchmarks
2021-11-09 |
How LERC raster compression works
2021-11-03 |
Gratiot County 1m DEMs are in ft, not m
2021-10-29 |
Elevation accuracy of .gpx files
2021-10-27 |
Elevation data for exercise tracking apps
2021-10-20 |
Calculating elevation-adjusted calorie burn in Python
2021-10-13 |
Adding elevation to a .gpx file
2021-10-07 |
Loading a .gpx file into a Pandas DataFrame
2021-09-30 |
Fixing sparse .xyz files
2021-09-05 |
Sampling points along a lat,lon path
2021-09-04 |
lat lon lat lon lat lon
2021-08-06 |
Sampling geotiffs with zarr and tifffile
2021-07-16 |
Testing hack necessity
2021-07-06 |
Using rayshader in Python
2021-05-06 |
What causes differences between DEMs?
2021-05-03 |
Downloading the Copernicus DEMs
2021-03-29 |
Downloading USGS US DEMs
2021-03-29 |
Aligning rasters for inspection
2021-03-07 |
Aligning rasters for analysis
2021-03-03 |
Raster analysis workflow in numpy
2021-03-02 |
Paper: Fusing DEMs
2021-02-20 |
My notes from reading Nuth, C., & Kääb, A. (2011).
2021-02-20 |
Dashboard design
2021-02-19 |
Learning django
2021-02-17 |
My notes from reading 'The earth isn't flat'.
2021-02-12 |
My notes from reading 'Free and low cost datasets for international mountain cartography'.
2021-02-12 |
My notes from reading 'An evaluation of void filling interpolation methods for SRTM data'.
2021-02-09 |
Licenses used by elevation datasets.
2021-02-07 |
Taking responsibility for the GPXZ dataset.
2021-02-05 |
Using non-uniformity to tile a large elevation dataset.
2021-02-03 |
Alternative #2: Mapzen
2021-02-02 |
Alternative #1: SRTM.
2021-02-02 |
An idea
2021-02-01 |