API reference - Metadata

These endpoints don't return elevation values, but rather information about the GPXZ service.


Information about all the source data used in GPXZ.

HTTP request

GET https://api.gpxz.io/v1/elevation/sources

Example response

  "results": [
      "data_source": "austria_10m_dtm", 
      "name": "Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Austria 10m", 
      "resolution": 10, 
      "url": "https://www.data.gv.at/katalog/dataset/b5de6975-417b-4320-afdb-eb2a9e2a1dbf", 
      "organization": "Land Kärnten", 
      "attribution": "CC-BY-4.0: Land Kärnten - data.gv.at",
      "licence": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International",
      "licence_url": "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.en"
  "status": "OK"


A json object listing every source.

  • results[].data_source: gpxz source id, to be matched with the data_source field on other responses.
  • results[].name: full name of the dataset.
  • results[].resolution: approximate resolution in metres of the source dataset.
  • results[].url: link to more information from the dataset producer.
  • results[].organization: organisation (typically a government branch) that made the dataset.
  • results[].attribution: attribution statement (even if not required by the dataset license).
  • results[].license: name of data licence.
  • results[].license_url: link to licence terms.
  • status: will be OK for successful request, INVALID_REQUEST for a client (4xx) error, and SERVER_ERROR for anything else (5xx).
  • error: Description of what went wrong when status isn't OK.

GET /v1/health

Healthcheck endpoint, for use with load balancing or monitoring.

HTTP request

GET https://api.gpxz.io/v1/health

Example response

  "status": "OK"


A json object.

  • status: will be OK for successful request, INVALID_REQUEST for a client (4xx) error, and SERVER_ERROR for anything else (5xx).